Support SLA

We strive to provide prompt, effective support to our clients. This page describes our Service Level Agreement (SLA) targets.

Response Times

Expect a response to support requests within 1 business day (24 hours). Tickle the issue if response seems too long (smile).

Business Hours

Monday to Friday (except for major US holidays), 7am - 7pm ET,  4am - 4pm PT, 12:00 - 24:00 CET.

More limited ability to respond during US holiday periods. 


The following sources are monitored for requests in priority order. In all cases, better problem information helps speed the response and resolution.

  1. JIRA issues (preferred) entered directly through our public Jira project associated to the product or via our Support portal (private).
  2. Email to

Fixes and Improvements

There is no specific response time for bug and improvement requests, but they are reviewed regularly for consideration to be included in a future release. If you need a response urgently, change the issue type to a support request. Fixes and improvements are made in the next released version of the software based on need and capability. 

Priority Process

Incoming triage and serious bugs take precedence over other requests. Requests are prioritized based on criteria including but not limited to:

  1. Importance to customer.
  2. Applicability to other customers including votes. Feedback and discussion is important!
  3. Customer is current on maintenance via SEN (Support entitlement number - purchase or evaluation).
  4. Availability of acceptable workarounds.
  5. Grouping with other related work. Backlog issues are reviewed for a planned add-on release and backlog issues with current activity take precedence.
  6. Scope and risk of change.

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